Monday 9th March 2020. 0740 – 0830

44 mm rain in the gauge. Scattered mackerel clouds. Sunny periods. Light breeze. Track damp to wet. Not much mud. Water level up but not over banks.

Nothing observed at Allumbah Pocket or The Other Side.
An Eastern Water Dragon was seen opposite the Memorial Bench But no sign of White Spot the Green Ringtail Possum.
Another Dragon was to the right of the path leading to the Upper Level opposite Snodgrass’s Pool and a Green Ringtail Possum was sitting in a tree fork on the Creek bank.
A Rufous Shrikethrush was feeding on insects in the bushes nearby.
The Cicadas were noticeably quite this morning, perhaps because the sun had not yet reached the treetops.
At the Base of the Log Jam Peninsula a mixed flock of Spangled Drongos, Barred Cuckooshrikes and a Hornbill Friarbird were hunting insects in the trees and could be seen eating them. Possibly the cicada as mentioned previously?
The only Turtle seen today was at Platy’s Pool and no Platypus were observed.
In the Paddock there was a small flock of Magpie Geese and fewer Curlews than usual.
The pair of Bush Stone-curlews were on the East side of the Car Park but being standoffish with each other.
A fine fat White-headed Pigeon was resting in the Camphor Laurel tree in front of our house.

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Opposite the Memorial Bench
Near the path opposite Snodgrass’s Pool

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

In Creek bank tree at Snodgrass’s Pool
A more flattering view.

Rufous Shrikethrush. Colluricincla megarhyncha

Enjoying a tasty breakfast.

Spangled Drongo. Dicrurus bracteatus

Part of mixed flock at Log Jam Peninsula

Hornbill Friarbird.Philemon yorki

Hunting insects.

Barred Cuckooshrike. Coracina lineata

Another tasty breakfast morsel!

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

A quick breath at Platy’s Pool

Bush Stone-curlews. Burhinus grallarius

Bit standoffish with –
– the other half!

White-headed Pigeon. Columba leucomela

Bunya Street