Saturday 7th March 2020. 0830 – 0930

2 mm of rain. Sunny with scattered cloud. Light. SW breeze. Track drying out.

Nothing at Allumbah Pocket today but saw a Turtle taking a breath in the strong current just below the Stepping Stones which remain submerged.
White Spot the Green Ringtail Possum and her Joey were in their usual high level perch but Joey has gone back to his regular ploy of hiding his face.
On the rocks around the tree was an Eastern Water Dragons with another on the next rock Pile looking brightly coloured and having perhaps just completed a moult.
Another Green Ringtail Possum was curled up on a branch in the Creek bank trees at Snodgrass’s Pool.
At the Log Jam a large Eastern Water Dragon was occupying the most prominent log and another specimen was on a recently fallen tree trunk on the far bank from the Picnic Peninsula.
In the trees surrounding Platy’s Pool I photographed a Yellow-faced honeyeater which was remaining unusually still.
No Platypus seen today.
While walking under the Highway Bridge a Kingfisher landed on a branch above the water. Shooting into the sun gave little hope of a good image but what I can see suggests that it was probably an Azure Kingfisher. It is however quite a pleasing silhouette.
Unable to find the Bush Stone-curlews at the Car Park but discovered them standing in the Pizzeria Beer Garden. They were a bit early to be waiting for opening time but I was unable to see any other attraction at their chosen spot.
A Dusky Honeyeater was enjoying some bottlebrush nectar in a garden along Bunya Street.

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Rippling current downstream of the Stepping Stones.

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

I believe that the face at the top belongs to Mum while Joey’s face can just be seen between the two tails at bottom left!
Similar view from a slightly different angle. Mum unfortunately not showing her right ear with the White Spot
Another Possum at Snodgrass’s Pool. Biters having a good go at his ears!

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

On rocks opposite the Memorial Bench
Looking very smart
At the Log Jam and probably moulting
Viewed from Picnic Peninsula

Yellow-faced Honeyeater. Caligavis chrysops

Azure Kingfisher. Ceyx azureus

Just wish the light had been better or I had time to use fill in flash!

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Too early for opening time!

Dusky Honeyeater. Myzomela obscura

Along Bunya Street