Monday 17th February 2020. 0720 – 0835

14.5 mm of rain. Misty morning clearing to sunshine in cloudless sky. Clouds building later. Light northerly breeze. Track damp. Still water flowing off paddock in places.

Nothing seen at Allumbah Pocket but stopped on bridge to photograph a Saw-shelled Turtle swimming on the surface.
Opposite the Memorial Bench photographed White Spot the Green Ringtail Possum in her high level abode. Joey was as usual draped across her abdomen and concealing his face!
Were joined there by the couple from Innisfail we met yesterday who had already spotted another GRP a few metres along the Walk. Investigation revealed what I believe to be Pirate Pete with the chewed ear but in the group of trees on the Creek Bank rather than the other side of the track. This was a favourite spot for much of last year.
We continued together seeing only a couple of Orb-weaver Spiders of markedly different sizes and another Cicada.
A flock of assorted birds were feeding in the trees around Platy’s Pool including several White-bellied Shrike Thrushes, Magpie Larks and Drongos. A Spangled Drongo was photographed
I saw no Platypuses today although the others had seen two near the suspension Bridge.
I found another GRP high in the Queensland Kauri where he was a few days ago and as before he was obstinately showing only his bottom.
There were several groups of Long-eared Bats roosting under the Highway Bridge and I got one reasonable photograph.
The nest at the Viewing Platform was unattended but the Bush Stone-curlews were at the East side of the Car Park.

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Looks fairly old and battered doesn’t he

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

White Spot (note her right ear) in her high level perch.
Another small GRP in the trees on the Creek Bank at Snodgrass’s Pool.
Viewed from another angle and squinting at me!
Above the Picnic Peninsula Table. Nose and one eye at bottom left of image

Orb-weaver Spider. Ssp unknown.

Large web across the Path
The owner hiding between two leaves where the web was attached to the tree.

St Andrew’s Cross spider. Argiope spp

St Andrew’s Cross spider at Log Jam Peninsula
Enlargement of above. Possibly A. keyserlingi seen from underside.

Floury Baker Cicada. Aleeta curvicosta

Not as sharp as it could have been.
Nymph case , possibly belonging to the above Cicada

Spangled Drongo. Dicrurus bracteatus

Unusual view of Drongo!

Eastern Long-eared Bat. Nyctophilus bifax

Bats under the bridge!

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Can’t keep away from the Car Park!