Saturday 1st February 2020. 0835 – 0930

No rain. Scattered cloud with intermittent sunshine. No breeze. Track moist and somewhat muddy. Drying. Water level falling. Still discoloured.

Mutiny in the camp today so on my own.
Nothing seen at Allumbah Pocket or The Other Side.
White Spot was on a particularly difficult perch in her favorite tree which made photography difficult but at least provided enough to identify her.
No sign of Water Dragon, Turtles or Platypuses today. A Freshwater (Keelback) Snake did cross the path in front of me while approaching the Log Jam.
With the lack of wildlife photo opportunities, took a stack of images towards my next project which will be a visual guide to The Walk.
Spotted a different Cicada at The Narrows.
The Rufous Shrike-thrush was still sitting on the nest in front of the Viewing Platform and the Bush Stone-curlews were at the Bamboo Clump.
Spotted a group of as yet unidentified critters at the entrance to The Doctor House
While removing my gear at home a rather handsome Crested Pigeon landed on out bird table and was joined by a Pacific Emerald Dove. Quite unusual as we normally only see the latter in the early morning or late evening.
While watching them, a pair of Yellow Honeyeaters which I have never seen before arrived for some foraging and was able to get a photograph.

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Rear view with back stripes showing how hard it can be to spot a GRP even with 25 x magnification!
Best photo I could get today
Very poor photo through a tangle of branches but sufficient to identify her White Spot

Freshwater Snake. Tropidonophis mairii

Head disappearing into the undergrowth. Non venomous and a baby.

Emerald Fairy Cicada. Taurella viridis ??

At The Narrows

Rufous Shrikethrush. Colluricincla megarhyncha

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

At the Bamboo clump

Unidentified Critters. ? Banksiae

Strange eyes they have!

Crested Pigeon. Ocyphaps lophotes

Handsome bird.

Yellow Honeyeater. Stomiopera flava

Feeding in the garden