Monday 27th January 2020. 0850 – 0940

50 mm of rain in gauge this morning. Overcast with occasional patches of blue sky. Light breeze from North East. Track wet with increasing puddles and mud particularly around Platy’s Pool. Water level up again almost submerging the Stepping Stones and only one of the Logs at the Jam showing above water.

Set of this morning with the faithful Thomas but regrettably no memory card so there will be no new images today. Those provided are previous images from the same locations and similar to what I observed today.
As we walked along Bunya Street we noticed one of the resident small dogs was investigating the nature strip on the opposite side from his home. To my astonishment a pair of Bush Stone-curlews emerged from between the bushes behind him and only about 7 meters away! All three vanished hurriedly when the owner appeared to put out his bin.
Almost all of the Stepping Stones again under water and the water like chocolate milkshake. Noticed that the run off from Dowling’s Meadow is almost clear so surmise that the soil coloring the water is coming from recently cultivated land. Will take a drive around to check it out.
White spot the Green Ringtail Possum was in her high level perch with just part of Joeys ear visible. I suspect that he is still going into the pouch when it suits him! Was surprised to find the the male GRP also in the same tree although he was climbing a branch which he continued up into the canopy.
Two Eastern Water Dragons were today in the meadow adjoining The Other Side and perched only on quite small rocks.
Cicadas were making lot of noise but none were visible.
No Turtles at the Log Jam as nothing for them to perch on although we did see some in the water.
No Platypus today and very little activity in the Paddock behind the Car Park.

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Bunya Street Curlew

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Female at High Level perch. Joeys nose just visible at left side.
Male Green Ringtail about to climb branch

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Male Water Dragon in meadow adjoining The Other Side

Logs at Jam almost submerged.

This was the only log visible today but water level was even higher and water now red.