Tuesday 10th December 2019. 0845 – 1000

7.5 mls of rain overnight. Drizzling with intermittent sunny periods. No breeze. Track moist. No puddles.

After spotting the Brushtail Possum roosting in the mistletoe at Allumbah Pocket, Thomas and I met Jacob from Ipswich traveling with a friend from Korea and invited them to join us on patrol. Saw one of the regular Eastern Water Dragons on the rocks near the Memorial Bench. Couldn’t find and Green Ringtail Possums today. On to the Log Jam where a couple of Saw-shelled Turtles took instantly to the water but within a few metres a Platypus surfaced and put on a virtuoso performance. He remained in almost the same spot for at least 10 minutes, repeatedly diving and resting between for long enough to be photographed. The visitors love it! Photographed a Pale-yellow Robin and a Pacific Emerald Dove along the track but didn’t find anything else. Life at the Figbird commune continues as usual although the chick from the bamboo clump seems to have fledged.

Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula

Fast asleep with ears just showing.

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Good pose but focus a bit soft.

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

On the surface near the Log Jam.
It was debatable who was checking out who!
Full face portrait.

Pale-yellow Robin.Tregellasia capito

Common bird along the creek

Pacific Emerald Dove. Chalcophaps longirostris

Bright red bill indicates adult male.

Australasian Figbird. Sphecotheres flaviventris

Male bird still sitting!

2 thoughts on “Tuesday 10th December 2019. 0845 – 1000

  1. jacob o'connell

    Hi Ian
    thanks for the experience of a lifetime. You know what they say, knowledge is king if we hadn’t meet you when we did we might have missed out on some of nature’s hidden wonders
    Cheers Jacob and nina

    1. ian.gibbs123 Post author

      Hi Jacob. Sorry I got your name wrong but am so pleased that you both enjoyed it. Cheers Ian

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