No rain. Sunny with few scattered clouds. Already getting hot. No breeze. Track damp.
Early start this morning after getting up at 0530 to do some landscaping before the bees woke up and started harassing me!
Thomas and I checked out Allumbah Pocket but again nothing to see. Just before the far side of Lloyd’s suspension Bridge saw a juvenile Lumholtz’s Tree-kangaroo in a small tree just to the downstream side. Tried to find a better viewpoint but surrounding foliage made life difficult. I am posting the best I could do. While moving around also spotted the Mother and joey Green Ringtail Possums in their tree on the same side of the bridge and less than 10 mtrs from the Tree Roo.
Had a look around for the Brushtail Possum without success and while doing so Thomas was approached by two dogs running free of their female owner. Fortunately to significant aggression but when advised that they were supposed to be on leads the owner chose to ignore me.
The other Green Ringtails were absent today and it was, I thought, rather early for Water Dragons. A couple of Saw-shelled Turtles were already sun baking at the Log Jam.
A Platypus was seen feeding along the far bank near the Overhanging Bushes and we watched her for several minutes. She made an attempt to climb the bank, falling back into the water, but was obviously in the wrong spot! A couple of metres up stream she tried again and climbed easily up to a burrow into which she disappeared. The opening of the hole was barely noticeable and I would not have picked it in a million years as Platypus burrow!
Nothing further seen along the creek but several Bush Stone-curlews were in the paddock behind the car park along with Australasian Swamphens and a small flock of Magpie Geese. Checking later on the computer found that I had also photographed an Eastern Water Dragon! Checked the Yungaburra side of the creek along The Narrows where I have previously seen a Tree Roo. Not in luck today but did see a pair of Orange-footed Scrubfowl.
Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo. Dendrolagus lumholtzi
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri
Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum
Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus
Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius + Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii