Sunday 1st December 2019. 0750 – 0845

No rain. Sun shining from cloudless sky. Hot already. Slight breeze. Track dry.

Mother Green Ringtail Possum with her joey were in their favourite tree this morning but neither of them were awake! Photography was as a consequence somewhat difficult and even when I checked in again at 1030 they were barely awake and not at all keen on a photo shoot. Went on to the Memorial Bench where we met a young couple from France who were excited that they had seen two platypus. I showed them two Eastern Water Dragons which were as usual on the other side of the path and explained to them where to find the Possums. Thomas meanwhile enjoyed a good session of stroking and a few pats! Only one Saw-shelled Turtle was at the Log Jam and did not stay for long. A couple more were seen swimming on the surface. A female Olive-backed Sunbird was investigating spiders webs on the opposite bank and in the photo she appears to have it wrapped around her beak. Perhaps she was collecting it for nest building? Just before the Highway Bridge, Thomas almost had an incident with an unleashed dog which fortunately backed off in response to a ferocious growl! No platypus were seen by us. Several distant Bush Stone-curlews were visible in the paddock behind the Car Park where I also photographed an ants nest in one of the surrounding trees. Mixed sexes were manning the Fiigird nests today and I found yet another nest in the tree in front of Nick’s. Another Bush Stone-curlew was relaxing in a neighbours garden.

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudocheirops archeri

Hard to sort out sleeping possums but I am sure more than one!
Not much more to see at 1030! Sunday morning lie in?

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Female long tail. Back light too bright.
Rampant male showing off.

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Sole occupant.

Olive-backed Sunbird. Cinnyris jugularis

Collecting spider’s web for nest building?

Golden Orb-weaver. Nephila Spp.

This spider does not seem to move much!

Tree Ants Nest.

I can’t see any sign of wings so assume they are ants rather than native bees.

Australasian Figbird. Sphecotheres flaviventris

Yesterday’s new dad in the bamboo.
Mum on nest 1 at Nick’s.
One of a group of males nesting in the same tree.
Another new nest spotted today. I think that makes four in this tree!

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Bunya Street resident