Tuesday 26th November. 1230-1330

No rain. Sunny with scattered cumulus clouds. Some thunderheads on eastern horizon later. Track dry.

No Post yesterday as suffering from a bout of vertigo. I don’t mind falling in the water but would hate to fall in with my camera and lens!
Thomas and I checked out Allumbah Pocket and the only resident on view was the Golden Orb-weaver. Met a couple from Germany at the Memorial Bench where they had just spotted an Eastern Water Skink. Had a chat and showed them the Eastern Water Dragon just across the path in a regular spot. Three Turtles were at the Log Jam, one being a Krefft’s Short-necked while the others were the regular Saw-shelled. Saw several large turtles just below the surface but reluctant to poke up their noses. At Platy’s Pool a Freshwater Snake swam at some speed to a mass of weed in mid stream, paused for a photo opportunity and then proceeded to and climbed the far bank. No Platypus or Possums again today. The large Golden Orb Weaver was still in the same spot on the approach to the Highway Bridge. A pair of Bush Stone-curlews were at Nick’s Camping Area and the boys were sitting on both Figbird nests. Just reminds the rest of us males that just because you wear a fancy suit doesn’t let you off child care!

Golden Orb Weaver. Nephila Ssp.

At Allumbah Pocket.
At approach to Highway Bridge.
Another view

Eastern Water Skink. Eulamprus quoyii

In front of the Memorial Bench.

Easter Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Other side of path from Bench

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Typical pose at the Log Jam.
A less usual view!

Krefft’s Short-necked Turtle. Emydura krefftii

Not yellowish streaks behind eye and lower jaw

Freshwater (Keelback) Snake. Tropidonophis mairii

Paused for photo shoot at Platy’s Pool

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Camping at Nick’s

Australasian Figbird. Sphecotheres flaviventris

These boys are way beyond the call of duty!