Friday 22nd November 2019. 1250 – 1345

No rain. 5/10 fluffy cumulus clouds and sunny periods. Intermittent cool SE breeze. Track dry.

In spite of bee stings (see FB page) the intrepid Thomas and I set out as usual to see what was around. The Golden Orb-weaver remained in charge of Allumbah Pocket but no signs of Possums. A medium sized Easter Water Dragon was occupying the perch opposite the Memorial Bench while the rocks in the creek were occupied today by a pair of Pacific Black Ducks who soon took to the water. Walked to the Highway Bridge without seeing another creature close enough to photograph but while crossing the bridge our attention was drawn by a visitor to a Platypus searching the mud bank opposite the Viewing Platform. In return I was able to show him the juvenile Eastern Water Dragon which can often be seen beneath the Bridge. The female Figbird was just vacating the nest in the bamboo clump while across the driveway her counterpart in the tree near the Pizzeria was smugly sitting on her eggs.

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Opposite Memorial Bench.
Juvenile Dragon under the Highway Bridge

Pacific Black Duck. Anas superciliosa

While we were completing the walk they flew past us and later returned.

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Opposite Viewing Platform. Not very good image but just passes the “eye visible” test

Australasian Figbird. Sphecotheres flaviventris

Female on nest near Nick’s Pizzeria