No rain. Scattered fleecy clouds. Hot in sun. Cool SE breeze. Track dry.
Just Thomas and I today and commenced by checking out Golden Orb-weaver spider who has repaired her web. The Green Ring Tail Possum and her joey had moved but soon found them in the tree right next to Lloyd’s Suspension Bridge. Baby was in full view today and got some excellent shots setting the tone for the day. A small Saw-shelled Turtle was on a rock near to the Memorial Bench and a female Eastern Water Dragon was on the rocks opposite. A much larger male Water Dragon was in the next group of rocks, a fins specimen in breeding dress but has lost the end of his tail. Fighting over the females no doubt! Only three Turtles at the log jam although another two were in the water, one surrounded by nice reflections from the water. Another Turtle was on a log at Platy’s Pool. While waiting for a couple of minutes at the Log Jam hoping for a Platypus to appear I noticed some movement under the grasses overhanging the water on the opposite bank. Soon discovered that this was a moderately large bird who eventually identified herself as a Buff-banded Rail and with a bit more patience she fully emerged. At last found a Platypus under the Highway Bridge where she was very busy feeding. She moved towards the Narrows, had a good session of scratching and rolling her back on the mud, and moved towards the burrow just downstream of the bridge. I was hopeful that I would see her climb up to the burrow again but alas she continued on down stream. We were joined in watching by a Kiwi couple with their child and told them where they might see the Possums. Hope they were successful. No Curlews seen today but the Figbird female in the Bamboo Clump was sitting on her eggs.
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirax archeri
Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii
Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum
Buff-banded Rail. Gallirallus philippensis
Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus