Monday 18th November 2019. 1328 – 1425

No rain. Very hot with cloudless sky. Occasional puffs of cooling breeze. Track dry.

The Golden Orb-weaver is still lording it over Allumbah Pocket but does not seem to be catching much in her web. A potage of Possums visible in the trees to the right of the entrance, initially showing the white dorsal bands characteristic of a Green Ringtail. Only one photo possible and not very informative. However I can definitely see the tip of a tail to the left of the branch and I think a larger tail to the right. My diagnosis is a mother with joey and I surmise the female that has been hanging around this area for several weeks and was also here last December.
Only one Eastern Water Dragon near the Memorial Bench, a bit skittish but managed to capture a couple of images. No Turtles seen today in the entire length of the Creek between the Suspension Bridge and the highway. A Laughing Kookaburra came by to visit near Platypus Bend. At Log Jam Peninsula I heard a Cicada making an alarm signal which was moving rapidly and localised to a bird in flight. A Spangled Drongo landed on a nearby branch and was seen to be holding the now silent Cicada with it’s head held in the bird’s bill. A solitary Platypus was navigating the outflow from the the Platypus Viewing Pool below the bridge and looking for food at the same time. Very little time was spent on the surface but managed a shot of sorts. The pair of Bush Stone-curlews were again in the Car Park. The Figbird was not on her nest in the bamboo today but the male was keeping an eye on things in her absence. Thomas though that it was too hot to be walking today and that we should leave earlier in future!

Golden Orb-weaver. Nephila ssp.

She is a bonny lass.

Green Ringtail Possum, Pseudochirax archeri

Sure there is more than one Possum here.

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Laughing Kookaburra. Dacelo novaeguineae

The interested young visitor from Colorado whom I met yesterday was asking about Kookaburras and would have enjoyed this!
A more conventional view.

Spangled Drongo. Dicrurus bracteatus

Spangled Drongo dismembering Green Cicada

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Platypus about to enter the Viewing Pool

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Curlews at the Car Park