Tuesday 15th October 2019. 1105 – 1215

No rain in past 24 hrs. Cloudless sky and very hot in sun. Little or no breeze. Track dry.

Cody declined today but Thomas still keen in spite of the new harness. One Easter Water Dragon in usual area near the Memorial Bench. Two juvenile Turtles on same floating log just upstream of Platypus Bend. The larger is certainly a Krefft’s but am not sure about the smaller one. Found a female Platypus at the bend before Log Jam Peninsula and was joined by an enthusiastic couple from Germany. Followed it along the bank with some close views and it then moved to the far bank where it was approached briefly by a larger male but no mating activity observed. Thomas became so bored that he managed to slide out of his harness and then lay on his back like a soppy mutt, making it as difficult as possible to put it back on! The female Platypus then returned to the near bank at the Log Jam and was revealed as the scarred girl seen at the same spot on several occasions. A number of Saw-shelled Turtles on the Logs and the large Eastern Water Dragon was again on the far bank. A couple of Pied Currawongs were observed along the track and there were several Bush Stone-curlews around the isolated trees in the paddock behind the Car Park. Wasn’t able to identify them as our original family.

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

On the rocks near Memorial Bench.
Larger Water Dragon at the Log Jam.

Krefft’s Short-necked Turtle. Emydura krefftii + another

Larger Turtle definitely a Krefft’s confirmed by yellow streak behind eye and along mandible. Small Turtle probably the same.

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus.

Downstream side of Log Jam Peninsula.
Navigating through the weed at the Log Jam.

Pied Currawong. Strepera graculina

Tree where the track leaves Picnic Peninsula.

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Distant view across paddock. No chicks identified